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TEDC launches sustainable development

by David Palmer of Big Volcano Tourism Marketing & Media*,  January 1999TEDC logo

Photos and graphics © Courtesy of TEDC

*Webmaster note 10 July, 2018: Details in this story may no longer apply. Please contact Council's Economic Development Unit on (02) 6670 2400 for further information.

TEDC is an initiative of the Tweed Shire Council, funded by council and several other major sponsors. As the Tweed Shire comprises nearly all of the valley enclosed by the Wollumbin Caldera, this will certainly have a big impact on the area served by the Big Volcano.

On the evening of Tuesday, the 17th of November 1998, a new program of "ecologically, environmentally and economically sustainable" development in the Tweed Shire was launched at Club Banora near Tweed Heads

Tom Senti, Chairman, launched the initiative of the Tweed Economic Development Corporation Ltd to an audience of over 260 members of the Tweed's business community.

"The Tweed Economic Development Corporation Ltd is an independent company, limited by guarantee." said Mr Senti.

Mission Statement:

"Our mission statement succinctly expresses our goals:

Activities of the TEDC

"The direction of the organisation is very focussed on four main areas:


Mr Senti went on to outline the activities of TEDC. "We see our role as involving:


TEDC has already achieved much. It has published "The Tweed Ready for Business" Investment Portfolio. This brilliant portfolio can be obtained by persons and organisations interested in investing in the Tweed. It has published the first issue of Tweed Business Links, a comprehensive 8 page newsletter. It has developed a website which we commend to you.

In addition TEDC also:

Tom Senti with Reg Mills

Photo right: Tom Senti (left) with Reg Mills, a major sponsor, Mills Transport

It is the hope of the Big Volcano that TEDC will be instrumental in encouraging infrastructure projects that enhance sustainable nature based tourism and ecotourism in the Wollumbin caldera (clickable image map). This would be in compliance with Council's committment to Agenda 21 which was passed at the Rio Earth Summit.

The Tweed Ready for Business investment portfolio

The document is designed to invite interest in the Tweed and is backed up by a number of industry profiles that are specific in nature and deal with statistics, demographics, etc. These industry profiles are currently being put together and will number some 18 or 20 when completed. If you want to know more about these exciting prospects, visit the TEDC site at and ask for copy of the Business investment portfolio.

As Tom Senti said on the night, "I spoke earlier of our marketing plan and tonight sees the launch of the first stage of the plan and that is The Tweed Ready for Business investment portfolio. This document is simple in nature."

*Webmaster note 10 July, 2018: Details in this story may no longer apply. Please contact Council's Economic Development Unit on (02) 6670 2400 for further information.

References and Readings

by David Palmer of Big Volcano Tourism Marketing & Media*, January 1999

Photos and graphics © Courtesy of TEDC

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